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Demo version of Finance possible? - Community / Suggestion - Support and Knowledge Base


Demo version of Finance possible?

Is there a way to be able to give DCO's a demo version of the Finance Module to show what it does and what it can do, sort of like how the DACdb team does with the Hollywood training club.

My thought is if a club mentions they'd like to look into it, but perhaps the DCO or their club doesn't use the module, or they'd rather not share their clubs information with other clubs. Something that is a dummy setup with fake members and transactions and statements just to give a training run through. I had a club recently show interest so I met with them and used mine as an example but something neutral might be a way

Comment (1)

Kristen M. Hoskins
I was wondering if they had a sandbox for the finance module. We are looking into getting it, and the tutorials are good, but I would prefer being able to play around with it a little bit before committing to the purchase.

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